Your adventure begins at the Great Wall of China. Lara slides down a few ramps until she reaches flat ground. Walk around until Lara looks up by her self so you can see your first objective, climb the wall . Now find the small pool of water, as soon as you set foot in the water a tiger will attack from behind. You have 3 choices, go one on one with the tiger, shoot it while your waist deep in water (the tiger can't go that far in the water), or jump on the ledge above and shoot him from safety. After that is taken care of jump and grab on the ledge above and pull your self up (if you haven't already) and walk toward the wall Lara looked at earlier. You should be able to see a square ledge to jump on. Turn towards the wall again and jump onto the next ledge and climb up a block. Then roll and look forward and you should be able to see Secret #1 the stone draggon. Once you get the Draggon make your way to the top and to the big crack. Once your in the crack look around for a grate in the corner and step on it. You will then fall in to a floor under you flooded with water. On the right side of the room (when facing the closed door) there is a switch. To access the switch you have to climb onto the ledge infront of it and preform a running jump and grab the edge of the oppisite ledge and pull you self up. The switch opens the door that was closed before. Go out the door and shoot the on comming birds. Shoot all three of them and advance down in to the pool below. In the pool you will see a tunnel that leads to a key, get the key and surface. Upon your arrivial to dry land a tiger greets you. Take care of him in your own way and climb back on to the wall by a few rocks covered with moss that is beside of the wall. Now you can go in to the next room by unlocking the door. There are some spiders here so prepare to openfire cuz they do get annoying. After taking care of the spiders climb the latter to get the next key. After you have picked up your key drop back down and unlock the door and advance to the next area. As you approch the block covering the doorway, 3 spiders come from the celing, quickly eleminate them with your pistols and to a roll to meet the spider comming from behind. Now pick up your prize next to the skeleton and pull that block out of the way. Now you have to slide down a ramp into a pool of shooting blades. I suggest going on the left side of the pool cuz you rarely get hit (but you can get hit!) When you reach the end just swim under the blades and pull up to the other room (I suggest to save your game here). The next few rooms are a series of time limited obsticles so be on your feet. First as you advance from the blade room the floor starts to collaps and 2 big bolders chase you down the hall way. Head for the narrow passage and jump over the spikes. Now 2 spiked walls are closing in on you so you better head for the opening (note: there are 2 auto pistol clips in the middle of the room, get them at your own risk). I would save my game here if you plan on getting the next secret. The 2nd secret is in the middle of a small room with a moving spiked wall. But for now just move ahead and jump over the 3 moving blades as you cross the falling floor and you will see the 2nd secret, the jaded draggon, right smack in the middle of the floor, the bad news is there are 2 spiked walls closing in on you so perfect timing will be required to get this secret. As you pick up your secret don't hesitate, keep moving and stay on the right side of the hall. at the end of the hall there is a hole, drop down it and as soon as you hit the ground do a roll and head for the collapsible tile to escape. Now you should see 2 giant weels with blades on the edge. before you atempt to cross pick up the small medi-pack, and then advance to the "zip line room". There are a few spiders in this area so kill as many as you can find. Before going down the zip line look over the edge to find a path to secret #3. Do a safty drop over the edge and shimmy all the way over to the left and drop. Now grab the crack and shimmy over until to can pull your self up. Walk down the path, pick up the box of flairs and go down the latter and into the cayon. I would suggest saving here. When you walk about half way a T-Rex will appear and start charging you. Start back fliping until you are next to where you came in and side jump in to the entrance. From here you can shoot it from safety (note: the T-Rex will run away, if that happens walk out enough where he can see you and jump back in and shoot him until dead). Now go to the other side of the canyon and claim your prize, the gold draggon (if you got all 3 draggons you will also get the grenade luancher, some rounds, and a medi-pack). Don't be so quick to run out though, there is another T-rex just waiting to eat you fleash, but we won't let that happen will we? You can use the same stratigy to kill this one as you did with the other one. Shoot it from the little cave your in now until he's dead (note: if he runs away step out enought to lure him back and get back in the cave and continue to shoot until dead). Now return to the entrance of the canyon and climb the latter all the way up to return back to the "zip line room". You can now go down the zip line to go across the canyon you were just in. As the ride comes to an end 2 tigers are awaiting your arrivel so deal with them the best you can (there are no safe spots that I am aware of in this area). Now go into the next area and head for the big wooden doors to end this level.