Jump into the window to summon the guard. When he arrives, sprint past him and off the railing outside. Wait for the guard to chase you down the stairs, then hustle back up toward your cell. Hit the switch on the wall beside the cell next door, and the inmate comes out to battle the guard. Open up all the cell doors, and notice the one which was open to begin with. Push the first box, and a crawl space is revealed. Crawl through, and push the box, this allows you to push the first box back down the passage, exposing the same crawl space, now on your right. By manipulating the boxes and using the crawl space, you can reach the sector which you originally pushed the second box into. Up above the passage which leads from the cell, you can jump and grab a walkway. Run and jump across the barbwire pit. Walk through the barbwire to reach the switch. Use the ledge near the switch to reach the trapdoor. Climb about halfway down and look for a ledge on the left. Jump over the first trapdoor you come across in the darkened hallway. Drop through the trapdoor in the small room and you'll fall into a control center. Hit the button on the wall nearby. The inmates arrive to mug the MP, who drops a Security Pass. Check the door to the left of the dining room entrance. The room with the large boxes is a straightforward movement puzzle. Run around the room, pushing the movable box beneath the hole in the ceiling. Up above the box room, jump the pipe and throw the switch on the wall. Swim back through the box room, and up through another hole in the ceiling Jump across the sizzling kitchen to the room with the red floor. Follow the walkway, wary of barbwire pits. In the yellow chamber, throw the switch on the wall to shut off the kitchen grill. Backtrack through the hole in the ceiling where you arrive, though the button opens the nearby door. Double back to the outer walkway, and then go through the room with the red floor to the hole above the kitchen. Drop down into the kitchen and open the door at the far end. In the short hallway, open the door around the corner to the right before you open the portal on the left. Sprint back through the kitchen and buttonhook right, then turn left in the hallway. You have to beat feet back to the cell block so that the inmates can help you. Check the room that the guard came out of to find the switch that raises the vent above the kitchen grill. Jump to the crack and shimmy left, then jump from the sloped surface to the flat area across the pit. Climb up into the crawl space. Follow the passage. The man in the corridor is an inmate. In the steep green hallway, let the guard pass. Now sprint up. Hang a right and hustle across the large area. Don't let the guard see you. Follow the open passage to the lower cell block. When you open the cell door, the inmate hustles up the corridor. Follow him. Up above, you'll see that the inmate has taken care of business. Pick up the Security Pass and use it on the nearby door. Follow the large passage once you've deactivated the electric beams. Get the guard's attention, then run left down the hallway. Open the cell in the corridor and take the key that the guard drops. It fits in the lock in the large open area. When you see the guard below, crouch down and go through the crawl space. Crawl over to the switch. The guard is armed. Hit the switch when the guard is on your left (as you face the switch) and jump the red electric beam to enter the hallway. Follow the hall to the large chamber. Along the walkway, look down and spy an opening just above a platform. Moving the big dish is not such a big deal. Instead of jumping through the hole beneath the big dish, hang and drop from the lowest support to the ground far below. Climb the ladder off of the ground level. In the corridor, sneak past the guard. Remember this spot. Later on there's a Secret nearby. Backtrack with the Security Pass to the red hallway. Near the door, push the button to open the portal. The switch on the other side of the grating will close the door up again: do not go to the trouble of finding that switch. It's evil. Put the Security Pass in the lock and climb the ladder. The hole in the side of the large chamber, above the waterline, is the path to the evil switch. Don't do it. Jump in the water and take the Save Crystal as you swim down the tunnel. Swim the long tunnel and then backtrack for the power-ups. In the small room, be mindful not to surface in the path of the electric beams. Climb up and jump the beams to the ledge. In the cargo area, climb the boxes on the left. Pistols and the Desert Eagle await you in the small room. When you exit the room, sprint through the electric eye and beneath the ledge as the gun turret unloads. The gun will reset once you're out of sight. Climb the boxes back to the cargo area. Time for the big Secret backtrack. Since the door in the yellowish alcove is open, you can make it back to the floor area of the chamber with the big dish. Go all the way back to the guard that was looking in the wrong direction. He's armed and dangerous. Take the Security Pass he drops and open the door at the far end of the corridor. In the short hallway, pick up the Grenade Launcher. Backtrack once more, all the way to the cargo room. Head up the wide slope, ready for armed resistance. Clear the hallway and take the ladder upstairs. The button on the right is the one you want in order to move the boxes. The other lets enemies enter from the nearby gate. Use the box to climb to the upper ledge in the cargo area. Monkey-swing over to the ledge. Watch that winch when you exit back to this area, that's when it's a killer. Kill the guard above and take his Security Pass. Open the final locked gate and rid the area of villains. When you climb in the back of the truck, the level ends.