The final set of levels for the ultimate goal - to save the world from Armageddon. Here you find the hardest levels, and at the end you must outsmart the invincible god Horus. Buckle your seatbelts....


A pair of henchmen wait for you as you head down the trail. Kill them then search the guard on the right (by the door) and take his Silver Key. You can now unlock the door and enter. The path continues between a pair of short walls and more henchmen lurk ahead. Kill them then jump to either of the walls careful of the fatal pits on the other side. Do a running leap to the levers across each of these pits to open the next door. Head toward the door and kill another henchman and search the alcove across from where he appears to find some Shells. Enter to get your first look at the Sphinx then head for the hole on the right. Locate the ramp to the right and slide to the small ledge below. Now do an angled running leap to the next ledge and another angled leap with a grab to cling to the next sloped ledge. Now head to the left and do a standing jump down to the ledge below which should trigger some music and the arrival of more enemies. When they are gone and you have obtained the Medkit from this area you can proceed by doing an angled running jump to the next ledge. You can now climb up to the door and enter the storage area. Break open the boxes and you will get some Uzi Clips then head toward the shelves along the wall and push them to the side to find a grate in the wall. Shoot open the grate and enter and crawl through until you reach the other end. Shoot out that grate and exit the crawlspace. You will be fired upon almost immediately so kill the gunman and take his Shotgun ammo then locate the switch he was guarding. Flip it to open the door and send a new pair of gunmen into this area. Kill them and while you are at it, shoot the three boxes in this area and you will find a Metal Blade in one of them. Now go to the shelves on the right and start by pulling the shelf on the left as far as it will go. Now push it toward the wall with the open grate then move to the right shelf and pull it away to reveal Secret #63; a Shotgun. Now you get to retrace your path all the way back to the Sphinx. When you reach the top you need to head to the front of the Sphinx. Slide down the slope in the left corner. The next pair of ledges can be reached with running jumps and you can then pull up and out on the other side to continue. Follow the trail as it heads around the front of the Sphinx then examine the grave shown to you in the sweeping camera shot. Watch the movie then circle around the right leg to find another pit. Jump down to the ledge at the right then do a running jump to make it across. Kill the resistance on the other side then climb out and smash the crates along the wall. Get the Wooden Handle from the wreckage and combine it with the Metal Blade in your inventory to create a Shovel. Time to do a little digging. Head back toward the right leg and jump to the platform then onto the leg and get some Shotgun ammo. Drop down on the other side of the leg near the grave and start to dig. Drop into the dark secret passage below and light a Flare to enter this new area beneath the Sphinx. Kill the bats as you head down the passage and go through the first gate which closes behind you...spooky! This room has plenty to look at, bulls, tablets, gates, switches, and all of these items make up a clever puzzle. Get started by running toward the bull on the right. When it comes to life you need to do a reverse roll and sprint for the nearest gate. Once inside do another reverse roll and watch and wait for the bull to follow you inside. When he gets close jump over him and run out of the area and flip the switch next to the gate to trap him inside. That wasn't so bad - now do it again with the remaining bull and gate. Take a trip down the West passage and locate the remains of a previous explorer. Add some more Flares to your inventory and don't overlook the Scrap of Paper with some translations on it - just what you needed to translate those tablets back in the other room. Head there now and examine the tablets which are actually buttons you can push. Feel free to make the translation yourself to solve this puzzle. WARNING! Entering the incorrect sequence opens the gate to a very bad area. Pressing Right-Left-Middle will open the West gate and you can enter this next passage while keeping a lookout for hidden pits in the shadows. Stay to the right in this passage and when you reach the pit jump across and continue along the other side until you reach the pit just ahead. Kill some more bats then walk forward and get against the left wall then jump across the pit. Locate the glowing holes in the East and West walls of this next room. Use your lighted binoculars to look inside the holes and find more glyphs. These are four combinations that you need to use in the previous room to access other areas containing specials keys. Write down the combinations (or use mine) then return through the hall of pits back to the main room. Press Right-Middle-Left to open the right gate on the West wall. Kill more bats then jump to the ledge on the right wall and do a running leap to the next ledge. Climb out of the pit and kill more bats then head to the dead end where you will find three crawlspaces. Light a flare and crawl into the passage on the right. These passage have numerous collapsing floor panels with fatal spikes below so be careful. Turn left and then right and go up the ramp. Turn left and the top and crawl into the room with the switch that opens a gate. Head back through the tunnel and this time go North to the passage directly across from this one. Head left at the first intersection and continue past the branch to the right and make another left. Continue until you reach the dead end where you will get the Stone of Maat (Red Key). Return to the previous room and take the remaining crawlspace to the East. Make a right then fall through the floor panel to land in a secret room with Secret #64; a Grenade Launcher. Return to the central room and get ready to locate the next key. Press Middle-Left-Right and go through the left gate on the West wall. Kill the bats and jump the pit then cautiously approach the pool with the alligators. These guys are tough and there are four of them so break out the heavy artillery - that secret Grenade Launcher you just got should prove most useful. When they are dead you can solve the next puzzle and get the next key. The key is locked behind a grate which can be opened by flipping the two switches on the North and South walls (four total) in any order you want. Get the Stone of Khepri (Green Key) then flip the switch on the West wall to open the gate. Return to the main room by making a tricky running jump and grab to clear the pit. Press Left-Middle-Right to open the middle door to the East. Follow the path across the pit and into the room with all the wall switches. Pulling the wrong switch sends in a swarm of those deadly beetles so you may want to save. Head to the North wall and pull the third switch to the right to open the gate. Now pull the third switch on the right on the East wall and you will get the Stone of Re (Blue Key). There is nothing left in this area to even tempt you to flip any more switches, so return the way you came and get ready for the toughest part of this challenge. Press Middle-Right-Left to open the right door to the East and make your way across the pit by doing a standing jump along the right wall by the torch. Now drop down off the ledge, hang, and shimmy to the next ledge and enter the room with the hole leading to an underwater area. Put on your swim fins and get ready for some serious underwater action. Dive in and head to the first junction leading North, South, and East. Head South until you reach the next branch and then go East. Head South at the next fork and continue South when you reach the next branch. Keep swimming down and past the hieroglyphs until you reach the first switch room. Flip the switch and dive back in. Make your way back to the beginning of this underwater area (you remember the way, don't you?) and get a deep breath before diving back down to head for the next switch room. Go South at the first junction and then head West at the second until your reach the third junction where you can swim up into the second switch room. Flip the switch and dive back in to make the short trip back to the start. This time head East at the first junction then South at the next until you arrive at the third junction. Continue South then turn West at the next branch and swim up at the last fork near the hieroglyphs to reach the third switch room. Flip the switch and dive in to once again return to the entrance to this area. With fresh air in your lungs, dive down to head for the next room. This time we want to go North at the first junction then East at the next which leads into the forth room. Flip the switch and dive back in. We are going for the fifth and final room directly from here. Swim out of this area back to the first junction (the one with the North, South, and East exits) and go East one more time. When you reach the next junction head up and you will spot the hieroglyphs indicating the final switch room is nearby. Enter the room and pull the switch to open the nearby gate and get the Stone of Atum (Purple Key). Make one final swim to return to the hole at the beginning of this underwater maze and exit. Return across the pit and back to the central room with the tablets. Continue across to the West and go through the middle door. Cross the next two pits and start using your collection of keys in the available holes along the way. Go through the open gate and turn the corner to find the floor is missing. Jump and grab the ceiling and monkey swing across to the other side. The next room is very dangerous so be careful. There are four Holy Scriptures protected by deadly blades in the ceiling. You must be quick and precise to get these items and survive. Sprint to the left alcove and get Holy Scripture #1. Jump back then turn and jump to the right and quickly take Holy Scripture #2. Do a reverse roll and repeat the previous pattern with the other two alcoves to get Holy Scripture #3 and #4. A gate to the North will open and you can exit this area. The final room has many blades hidden in the floor. Make sure to walk through this area so you don't take any damage. When you reach the next pit jump to the ceiling and monkey swing across to the other side. Kill some bats as you make your way up the final passage and leave this level.


Continue up this sloped trail and head to the left where you will find a series of small ledges you can start climbing. When you find the trapdoor in the ceiling turn to face North and jump to grab the handle and open the door to climb in. A giant scorpion is waiting for you as you climb up to this next area. Kill him quickly before he poisons you - if you are too late a medkit will stop the effects of the poison. A second scorpion is around the corner so deal with him too before getting the Revolver ammo to the South and a Medkit from the alcove to the West. Continue to the intersection and go North until you reach the ravine then do an angled running leap to the opposite ledge to the left. The path leads around to the North where another ravine requires another running jump to get across. You may also encounter a scorpion or two along the way. When you come into view of the pyramid another scorpion moves in for the sneak attack. Head off to the East and kill the giant flying insect then approach the next huge ravine. Do a running jump to the South and grab the ledge that slopes down on the other side. When you pull up and start to slide you need to quickly jump forward to the next sandy area then turn left and jump once more to the other side and get ready to kill another flying insect. Enter the nearby building. You may want to save your game because your actions will determine if you see a movie in this next area. Enter and spot a scorpion attacking a guard. Quickly kill the scorpion and save the guard's life to see a movie where you will receive the Guard Keys and the Armory Keys. If the guard dies before you kill the scorpion you still get the Guard Keys from his dead body - you just don't get the nice movie or the Armory Keys. Clear out the Medkits and Shells from this room then exit the building. Note: The Armory Keys are required to access Secret 69. Return to the ravine on the left and jump to the right ledge then shimmy to the left and around the corner until you come to a stop. Drop down and you should now be back at the pyramid where you can spot a block sticking out of the sand. Walk onto the block and continue NW onto the next higher ledge. Continue North then jump NW to keep going up the blocks. Now continue straight across to the West and when you reach the end of this flat section do a running jump across to the next area where you slide down to a flat ledge above the sand. A giant insect flies in for the attack so kill him quickly then continue West until you can go no further. Turn to the North and start climbing the face of the pyramid. Continue climbing up two levels then head to the right and climb up three more blocks until you reach the entrance to the pyramid. The opening is to your right and you will need to do a running jump to make it inside. Before going inside you will want to locate the secret area just above the doorway to the right. Climb up the pyramid a little higher to find Secret #65; a Revolver. Return to the doorway and use the Guards Keys to unlock the door and head inside the Pyramid. Note: You may find it easier to open this door before going after the secret. Watch the pattern of the pendulums and run past when it is safe. Continue deeper into the pyramid until you reach the room with the stairs leading down. Kill those annoying bats then look to the South and locate the Star carved into the ceiling. Get our your Revolver and LaserSight and shoot the Star to open an unseen trapdoor up ahead. Now you can go down the stairs and run past the mummies and jump into the large container on the left. Inside is the trapdoor (you opened a moment ago) that you can drop into. Now you are overlooking a large pit with a rope hanging in the middle. Use the rope to swing to the other side and continue ahead until you reach the junction. The nearby mummies are very slow so ignore them and run down to the room to the right where you will come to another large spike-filled pit with a pair of ropes you must use to get across. On the other side you can head up the passage and flip the switch at the top of the slope to open a trapdoor somewhere else in this level. Use the ropes to get back across the pit then run past the mummies and head left this time. Another pit, another pair of ropes, and another sloped passage leading to the trapdoor you just opened a moment ago. Climb up through the trapdoor and immediately arm yourself and start dodging the attacks of the Ancient Egyptian Guard waiting for you. When he is dead you can head over to the Star carved in the wall and pry the Western Shaft Key from the middle. A new passage is now available, and you need to make your way back to the initial stairs leading down to this area (back where you shot the first star). Locate the new passage and slide down. Light a flare on your way down and carefully walk through the next passage until you hear a clanking noise then duck to avoid the blade traps. When they have gone by you can standing and continue to the end of the passage and jump to open the door above. Climb out to do battle with a pair of giant scorpions - I recommend the Grenade Launcher. When they are no longer a threat you can continue South following the path that leads to the other side of the large ravine. Head East and start searching to the left for a small alcove with a switch. Push it to cause the roof to collapse on one of the pyramids. Return to the large ravine and head toward the pyramid and walk up the left side. You should be able to spot your path as you climb up to the next block the then go and angled jump to the right. Now you can start climbing the various blocks until you reach the top of the pyramid. From the top you will then need to turn around and back off the ledge and grab on then locate the ladder on the West wall which leads to the bottom of the pyramid. Once inside you will find a passage that leads to a pit. Do a running jump over the pit to continue and when you come to the next pit jump to the ceiling and monkey swing across the top to the other side. Continue to the next pit with the pendulum and stay to the left and do a running jump and grab to the other side as the pendulum is swinging away from you. Continue around the corner past another pair of pendulum pit traps. Make a mental note of the passage between the two pits to the left and continue until you reach the dead end with the rope. Pull the rope to open a gate elsewhere in the level then return across the first pit and head to the passage I mentioned a minute ago. Monkey swing across the ceiling until you reach the gate you just opened. Head through the gate and slide down the slope leading toward a bed of spikes below. Just as you reach the pit jump to clear the spiked pit and angle toward the flat surface to the right. Now you can drop into the pit and get Secret #66; Uzis before climbing out and continue sliding down the other side. At the bottom you can jump to the other side of the hole and grab on to do a safety drop below, otherwise you will take some damage if you just fall in. You should now be back under the Sphinx by the hole you dug in the last level. Go South and pull up out of the hole and go West. Jump down to the ledge on the right and then do a running leap to land on the ledge on the West side of the ravine. A standing jump to the South puts you on the small ledge which is just another jump back to solid ground. Continue forward to the metal door and use the Guards Keys to unlock the door and continue to the next level.


Go straight into the nearest building and locate the hidden trapdoor in the floor. Open it and climb down to get Secret #67; a Medkit, then return back outside. Wild dogs wait for you as you head toward the North. Circle the truck and get the Jerrycan from between the two gas pumps. Now head South until you spot the passage leading East and locate the door on the left just as you start down this passage. Open the door and enter to find ammo for your Revolver and a trapdoor leading down to a tunnel below. Follow it to the first junction and head East until you reach a small room lit by torches. Three lion heads are mounted on the wall and each head as a gem inside the mouth. Use your revolver and lasersight to target this gems and shoot each one to open the door to the North. Behind this new door are several mummies but they are slow and clumsy and you can easily avoid them. Get the Small Waterskin inside this room and some ammo for your crossbow then return to the intersection and go South. Follow this passage until you reach the dead end then jump and pull up out of the hole above to get back outside. Leave the area and battle more dogs when you reach the area near the two ravines. Wen it is safe you can head to the East ravine and do a running leap across at the narrowest gap. Now move toward the boarded up entrance and blast it apart with your weapon of choice and go inside. Kill the bats and the dogs and continue through the trapdoor in the floor to the area below. Follow the passage around to the intersection and take the East passage leading to the room with more lion heads. You know the drill - when you have shot the gems the door will open and you can get the Bag of Sand while dodging mummies. Return to the intersection and go North until you reach the next intersection. Continue going North until you reach the dead end. Pull up into the room above and open the door. Blast apart the barrier and head back outside. Head toward the ravine and go to the left until you are next to the South wall. Turn to the North and do an angled running leap to the ledge in the NW corner then do another running leap to the section of the ground to the NW. Continue to the East to locate a concealed room. Kill the scorpions and open the trapdoor to continue down into the next tunnel. Follow it around to the intersection and go West until you reach the dead end with the unlit torch. Pick it up and return to the intersection and head to the East until you reach the next lion head room. Drop the torch and whip out your guns to eliminate all resistance in this room. When things are more calm you can then shoot the gems to open the door. Grab the torch and enter the next area which has three scales and a small pool of water. There are also some bats in this area you may need to take care of. Go to the pool past the scales and fill the waterskin then go to the scale with the water symbol on it (three wavy lines) and stand on the platform. Pour the water onto the scale. Now go to the scale on the right with the pyramid symbol (sand) and use the Bag of Sand. Finally, go to the last scale and pour some fuel from the jerrycan onto the scale. Now light your torch using any of the nearby torches on the wall and light the fuel to open the door on the West wall. Anyone else having flashbacks to the movie, The 5th Element? Enter this next area and avoid or kill the mummies. You need to pry the Northern Shaft Key from the West wall so you may want to kill them this time. You can also lead them back out to the main room and get them stuck in the pool of water. A door opens when you pry loose the key with the crowbar. Don't overlook those lion heads with the gems. Shoot them both to open a new door before returning to the room with the scales. Head to the East wall where a that new door is now open. More lion heads and more gems equal more target practice. Shoot all the gems then continue up the stairs to the East and kill the dogs. Continue to the intersection and keep going straight until you reach the opening in the ceiling leading back outside. Continue to the East until you reach another ravine. Locate the ledge to the left and do a standing jump over to it. An angled running leap will put you on the path to the NE. One more running jump and a grab will get you across the ravine and over to the path on the South. Blast through the door on the right and go down through the trapdoor. Head to the first intersection and continue forward until you reach the dead end and climb out through the ceiling. Blast the barrier and shoot the dog to proceed down the next passage. Continue across the next area to the trapdoor and open it to drop down. Follow this next passage to the intersection and turn left so you are headed East toward the next lion head room. Shoot the gems and the door will open. Enter the new room to find three monkey statues representing "Hear No Evil - See No Evil - Speak No Evil". You need to activate the proper statue by using your crowbar as a lever. If you activate the wrong statues deadly monkeys will attack. Not only are they hard to kill, but when they die they actually blow-up doing even more damage. But since I am going to tell you how to solve this puzzle there is no need for you to experience such pain. Head to the "Speak" monkey on the far right and use the crowbar. A helpful chimp will appear and open the door out of here. More mummies! You had better kill them since you need to pry the Southern Shaft Key from the East wall. You also need to shoot the gems in the lion heads to open another door. Return through the monkey room and head through the door to the West where you get to waste more revolver ammo on gems in lion heads. Continue to the West and follow the passage around until you slide down to a lower level. Climb the nearby blocks and head up the ramp leading out of this level and into the next.


The passage you are on will eventually stop at a dead end. Pull up through the hole and blast your way through the door. Head to the right and kill the henchman then approach the next ravine. Aim to the SW and do a running angled jump to the path and kill another henchman when you land. Head to the door and blast it open then blast the guard who comes through it. A giant flying insect is also nearby so keep your guns ready. Locate the hidden trapdoor in the middle of this room and open it to drop and hang from the wall with the climbable surface. Once you stick to it you can climb down to find Secret #68; the Grenade Launcher. Only 2 more secrets to go... Climb out of the pit and blast through the door leading out of this room and get ready to fight the gunman with the Uzi. Kill him before moving on to the next area with another gunman. Ignore the bogus trapdoor in this room and continue out the door to the East. More of the same waits for you outside. Blast the barrier, enter the room, and kill the pair of insects inside then grab the Uzi, Grenade Launcher, and grenades. Ignore the trapdoor again and head off toward the large pyramid. Get ready for some serious jumping and climbing action. Continue out to the ledge to the North leading over the ravine and do a running leap across. Head to the left and slide down to the ledge on the West and do a running leap and grab onto the sloped ledge to the West. Pull up and walk up the sloped ledge and climb the block to the North. Walk NE to the next block then continue to the right and climb up the next block. Now start walking to the East until you stop then backup and do a running jump to the next flat surface. When you land you will need to press walk while backing-up quickly to avoid the boulder as it rolls by. Continue to the East by making a pair of standing jumps and dodge the boulder when you land after the second jump. When the boulder has rolled by you can continue up the next block to the North then turn East again and make three more standing jumps. When you land after the third jump you will start to slide down toward the ravine. Don't do anything and when you stop sliding just stand there until the boulder rolls by. Now you can drop to the block below then turn to the South and do a running jump and grab the opposite side of the ravine. Now turn East and do a running jump from this ledge. You may have to kill another flying insect either before or after you make this jump. Turn to the North and make a running jump to grab the opposite side and climb up to the block. Head up the ramp until you can make the jump to the ledge with the Medkit. Turn NW and do a standing jump to the flat ledge nearby then immediately backflip to the previous ledge to dodge the boulder coming at you. Now you can jump back to the ledge to the NW and continue across the next pair of ledges in the same direction. From here you can do a standing jump to the ledge to the West and kill another insect. Head North and climb up the next two blocks then do two standing jumps to the East to jump the sloped blocks and land on the flat ones. When you land on the second flat surface you need to backflip out of the way of the boulder. Now you can start climbing the blocks to the North. Climb up two then turn West and kill a pair of insects then continue up the block at the end leading North. From here you can go West until you are forced to do a running jump to the next surface. Lara will start sliding down to a lower ledge. From this ledge you need to continue West and do a running jump over a pair of blocks and kill the insect on the other side. Make another standing jump to the West then angle to the SW and do a standing jump to the ledge below. Turn and angle to the NW and do another standing jump then keeping doing standing jumps to the SW and NW until you reach the area below. Turn to the North and climb up three levels then turn NW and make another standing jump. Dodge the boulder as you make another pair of standing jumps to the West. From this final ledge make one last running leap to the West and you will land and start sliding all the way to the exit of this level...


You start off as a witness to a fight. Kill both the man and the monster then go South into the room below. Blast open the crates and collect all the surplus ammo for just about every weapon in the game. Now comes some payback for helping that guard in the earlier level. If you saved the guard from the scorpion in the earlier level and he gave you the Armory Key you can proceed down the next slope and unlock the next gate leading to Secret #69; the Secret Armory containing; Crossbow, Shotgun, Uzis, Grenade Launcher and more ammo. Head back outside and another scorpion attacks. You should have plenty of weapons and ammo to deal with him by now. Go North until you reach the chasm then head down to the left until you see the platform on the other side. Do a standing jump to get over there followed by a running jump to land on the path to the NW. Another scorpion attacks. Locate the ledge leading out over the chasm and use it to make a running jump and grab the other side of the chasm. A standing jump to the South will put you within combat range of an insect. Climb up to the next block and turn left to make a running leap to the ledge to the North. From here you can turn and do a standing jump to the NW to land on the next block then make a running leap back across the chasm and grab the block sticking out of the West wall. Look carefully before making this jump as the ledge is hard to see. A running jump to the North lands you on the next ledge where you must kill a scorpion and an insect. Follow the path around the corner until you come to an apparent dead end. Push the block down the path and a secret passage opens in the pyramid just to your left. Go inside and open the trapdoor. Hang then climb down the hole to enter a maze of passages inside this tomb. The various holes in the walls of these passages contain some useful items but they can also release streams of those deadly beetles. You should have plenty of weapons and ammo so there is no need to be sticking your hands into strange holes. Of course if you MUST make sure to follow my guide or you could get into trouble. The quickest route through the maze is as follows. Turn RIGHT (W) at the first intersection and get the Medkit from the first hole. Go through the wall that lowers and ignore the next hole and kill the scorpion that comes around the corner. Look for more scorpions at almost every corner. Turn RIGHT (W) at the next intersection then follow the passage as it makes a left past some torches then makes another left. Make a RIGHT (S) at the next intersection and follow it around to the left. Make one final RIGHT (S) and you will soon hear music as you approach the room with the Ancient Egyptian Guardian. Unload your favorite weapon into him then go to the other end of the room and use your crowbar to pry the Shaft Key from beneath the star carving. The entrance gate will open when you do this. To exit the maze exit this room and go RIGHT (E). Get a Medkit from the first hole then go through the wall that lowers. The passage turns left so follow it straight (N) through the next intersection and get some Shells from the hole just before the section of wall that lowers. Make a LEFT (W) at the next intersection and continue to the next intersection with four torches. Turn RIGHT (N) and it's a straight shot to the exit. Climb out and head back to the chasm to the right. A running jump will put you on the ledge on the other side then you can do a running jump to the first block to the left followed by a standing jump to the next block where you must kill another insect. Turn toward the pyramid and begin the climb starting with the block to your right. Continue up the East face of the pyramid and angle to the NE to make a pair of standing jumps. Stop after the second jump and wait for all the boulders to come rolling by. One more jump to the NE puts you near the entrance. Kill the pair of flying insects and use the Guard 's Keys to open the door and enter the pyramid. Follow the long sloping passage down into the pyramid and stop when you reach the gap. Drop down to the ledge along the left and do a running leap to the other side where you can finally kill the gunman who's been shooting at you. A ninja also attacks from the opening in the right wall. When they are both dead you can enter the passage to the East and kill anymore resistance you come across as you head through a gate and into the next room. Kill everything that moves then continue North between the ramps until you trigger a pair of sliding pillars in the next hallway. Continue into this hall and get right up against the path of the sliding pillars then jump through as each slides past. You can also sprint through this deadly hall in one quick run if you get the timing just right. Kill the attacking dogs in the next room and search the container to get a Medkit and an unlit torch. Use one of the lit torches to light yours then light the other four unlit torches to brighten things up in here. With the extra light you should be able to locate the passage in the West wall where you will find a switch and some shotgun ammo. Flipping the switch collapses a wall back out by those pair of ramps. Return past those sliding pillars (you know how) and head up either of the ramps. The next room has four keyholes and a large carving of a star in the floor. Use your four Star Keys on the keyholes to cause light to stream in and hit the star on the floor. When all four keys are inserted a shaft will open in the center of the floor. Now move to the North wall and flip the switch. Kill the henchmen who show up shortly thereafter and then exit this room. Go down the ramp and back through the sliding pillars and head toward the light. Enter the room and survey the wreckage. A passage is now available to the East where you can get another Medkit and flip another switch to open a gate back near that first sloped passage of this level. Return past the sliding pillars all the way back to the main passage and go North. Eliminate any resistance and make your way down the steeply sloped passage. You will come to several pits as you make your way down this passage. A standing jump will get you over the first while a running jump is required to clear the second. Turn around and jump down to the ledge to get Secret #70; a crossbow, then turn and do a standing jump to get you back to the other side. Another standing jump gets you over the third and final gap and a Medkit is down on a lower ledge. Make the final jump and go through the gate. Drop into the shaft of light and hang onto the edge then climb down until you spot the opening in the East wall. Go into it and follow the passage dropping into the next lower area. Continue following this passage until you reach the Temple of Horus.


This is it. It all boils down to this exciting final level. You have all the secrets and now you only have to survive this temple and the final encounter. Take a deep breath and enter the tunnel and turn North. Taunt the creature behind the gate if you feel like it and continue North into the temple and get the Large Waterskin nearby. Check out the wall to the left for part of the solution to the next puzzle. On the North wall is a scale with a vase on it. You need to pour exactly 2 liters of water into the vase to open the grate in the floor. If you pour too much or too little water into the scale you get to fight that monster from the previous area. Here is how to solve this puzzle in case you didn't see Bruce Willis and Sam Jackson do the exact same thing in Die Hard 3. Head to the fountain and fill the large waterskin with water - 5 liters to be exact. Now open you pack and combine the Large and Small Waterskins. You will pour exactly 3 liters into the smaller waterskin leaving you with 2 liters in the large waterskin. Pour this on the scale to complete the puzzle. Your math teacher and Bruce Willis would be proud! Drop through the opening in the floor and enter the torch room. Slide down the pole and past the attacking bats and time your descent through the blade trap below. Kill those bats when you reach the bottom and then examine this room. This is another puzzle room much like the one above but the solution is a bit more complicated. Our goal is to get precisely 4 liters of water. Empty both waterskins and begin. Fill up the large waterskin giving you 5 liters then pour 3 liters into the smaller one. Dump the small waterskin and then pour the 2 liters from the large waterskin into the now-empty smaller one. Fill the large waterskin back up giving you 2 liters in the small and 5 in the large. Finally, pour 1 liter from the large into the small giving you the required 4 liters of water in the large waterskin. Pour the water on the scale and open the next grate. Another pole, more bats and more slicing blades below...yawn! Kill the bats when you reach the bottom and get ready for another math puzzle. Empty out your large waterskin and pour the 3 liters which should still be in your small one into the larger one. Fill up the small one so you should now have two waterskins with 3 liters each. Now pour 2 liters into the large waterskin so it is full and you have 1 liter left in the small. Pour this water into the vase on the scale and drop into the hole. Back into the light you can head to the shaft and do a standing jump and grab the climbable wall and start climbing down past the open floor grates. When you reach the ledge to your right you can shimmy over and pull up onto the ledge. Get against the wall and then do a running jump to the North and fall to the water below. Swim around to the area on the North and pull out of the water. This next room has four pedestals and a huge altar with an egyptian statue. Place those Holy Scriptures you've been carrying around on the pedestals then walk into the light. After the movie and the initial attack of Set you need to escape into the water. Turn and head North and jump into the water to locate the Amulet of Horus which sank to the bottom in the recent movie. If you cannot find it you may need to light a flare to make it show up. Make your way to the ledge to the SW and get out of the water then quickly make your way to the ledge follow the ramp along the East wall. Enter the open door and flip the switch to open another door across the room. Exit back to the doorway and locate the room to the North. Dodge the attacks of Set as you jump out to the middle ledge then over to the room to the North. Head up the ramp there, enter the room then flip the second switch which activates a strange device. Return to the opposite ledge and run up the ramp and continue East doing a running leap to land on a patch of safe ground below. Go to the NE corner of this ledge and do a running jump and grab to a ledge sticking out of the North wall just above you. Pull up and do another running jump and grab to the next ledge then a standing jump to the next. Climb some blocks to get a Medkit then head South to the next ledge where you can do another running jump and grab to pull onto the next ledge. Continue South until you spot the stalactite ahead. The next jump is tricky so walk to the very edge then take one walking step back then take one normal hop back. Now do a running jump and grab to lower your arc and miss the stalactite. You will land on your feet on the next ledge. Continue around this ledge and locate the crawlspace up on the West wall. Do a running jump and grab then pull into it and crawl through until you can back out of the other end. Follow this ledge around until you are forced to do another running jump and grab to get to the one above. Pull up and dodge Set by doing a running jump to the North and grab onto the climbable wall. Shimmy over to the beam and climb up to the area where you first jumped into the water. Start climbing the West wall until the movie takes over. The gate in the next room will be open thanks to that switch from below. Continue through the gate and jump past the set of three sliding pillars just like before. When you enter the next room head directly to the left and stay against the wall until the crashing pillars have finished. Go past the rubble and do a running jump and grab over the spiked pit. Pull up and move forward to dodge another crashing column and get against the left wall. Do a running jump and grab onto the crevice then shimmy to the right and pull up to continue. Hug the right wall this time and do a running leap to clear the pit and grab the opposite side. While you are still hanging, shimmy to the left and pull up in the middle of the dark block and sprint forward to get out of the pyramid and begin the final movie.