Go into the first room and kill the four wolves lurking in here, jumping around to avoid their attacks and firing constantly. There are several doors leading out of this room; they form a sort of honeycomb of passages and tunnels, all with wolves and bats lurking around the next corner. If you're in the mood to kill things you can traverse them all, slaughtering things. No matter which one you take, eventually you'll end up in a large room with a pool in the middle and a wooden trough against the far wall. (If you want to get there quickly, take the first hall on the left and make the first right.) Take a moment to admire the beautifully rendered water, then draw your guns and walk over to the trough, and a large bear comes charging out, yow! Jump and shoot until he's dead, then enter the room he came out of (a stable). Vault onto the ledge above the stable and get the medipack. Now return to the pool room and go for a swim. Swim down to the T-intersection and turn right. When you reach a room with pillars, go to the left side and pull a wooden lever (swim up till your nose touches it, then push the Action button) to open a secret door in another area. If you have at least half your air left, there's a secret here to be gotten. Swim to the opposite corner of the pillar room into the brightly lit area. Pull another lever switch to open a hatch above you and surface. Get out of the pool (by swimming to the ledge and pushing Action and Forward) and get SECRET #1, a medipack. Pull the switch to open a door back into the bear room. Jump into the pool again, and this time turn left at the T- junction. This takes you to a room with serpent fountains, and surprise! here's the secret door you opened earlier. Enter to get SECRET #2, a medipack and some magnum clips (small black boxes that look like video cassettes, ammo for a weapon you don't have yet). Dive back in and return to the bear room. At one corner of this room is a switch; flip it to open the door next to it to a room with hides drying on racks. Climb the wooden stairs to an opening high in the wall, and jump across to the room at the other side. Notice the floor here is all cracked tiles. To get into the skull alcove across, run across the tiles and jump at the end to get a medipack. Drop into the room below (if you didn't land there by accident) and find the large blue block in the wall with two marks in it that look like bits of rope. These indicate that it moves. Run up against it, then hold Action until Lara goes into a sort of tense crouch and push Forward to make Lara push the block forward once. (She can also pull it back by pushing Action and Back.) Push it forward several times to open a passage into another room. (If you missed the jump at the end of the broken tiles and really want that medipack in the alcove above, pull the block into the room and use it to climb into the alcove.) In the next room, shoot a bat and walk around to the left to get a Silver Key and to the right to get a Golden Idol. Jump up onto the block you pushed in and climb up to the wooden ledge above you. Shoot two bats in the rafters; run around the corner and shoot two more bats, nasty parasitic lice-ridden creatures. Drop into the passage and turn left. You should now be back in the bear room. Turn left and go down a hall to find a locked door (shooting any bats that show up along the way). Stand right in front of the lock, the little silver box to the right of the door, and press Action to bring up your inventory. Rotate till the Silver Key is showing, then press Action to use it. (If you try to use something that doesn't work, Lara says bluntly, "No." Then you cuss and stomp and go looking for something else.) Run through a dart-lined hall to reach a large open rocky area with a red-roofed temple at the far end and five wolves with bad attitudes at this end. Jump and shoot, as before, and keep track of the number you've killed; if you're one short, walk forward slowly till the next one jumps out at you. Enter the temple through the left door (the only one open). Follow the passage into a pool room with ledges on the walls. Climb the stairs and being the jumping process to go from ledge to ledge. (Ignore the pool; it's just a courtesy to soften your fall if you miss a jump. Don't look for kindnesses like this often, though.) You'll have to shoot a bat or two along the way. At the top, climb a flight of stairs, shoot a bat, and throw a switch to open the temple's right door. Get the medipack, then walk out the other door. Look down to see some shotgun shells (a box with some red cylinders next to it, another weapon you don't have yet). Do a safety drop down and get the shells, then drop to the red roof and get a medipack. Drop once more to the ground and enter the right door. This is another room with water and ledges, but this one has collapsing floor tiles. Ignore the right side; go to the left and jump up the ledges to the top. Shoot a bat, climb the stairs, and use the switch to open the middle door of the temple. Go outside and do a series of safety drops to the ground. Enter the middle door. A tunnel with a series of swinging blades (like in Poe's story, "The Pit and the Pendulum") is next. Timing is almost all there is to this, except that it's hard to know just how close you are to the things until you've been sliced. Eventually you'll reach a room with a gate with a bear behind it (and no, you can't shoot the bear through the gate, don't ask why) and a switch. Throw the switch -- whoa, the floor drops out from under you! Well, I guess we'll go for a swim, then. Swim forward and up to surface in the pool where the bear is growling at you. Hmm, can't shoot from the water and don't want to deal with him just yet. Go down again and find a small tunnel just below the surface that leads to an unoccupied room. Surface and climb up the stairs to a room with a switch. Flip it and walk to the edge to look down at and shoot the bear you were just threatened by. Do a safety drop to the level below and face the locked door. Turn left and walk up some stairs to a switch (that shuts off the swinging blades), then turn around and follow a passage that leads to SECRET #3 and some Uzi clips (long grey bars -- and yes, it's another weapon you don't have yet). Return to the pool room, use the Gold Idol on the lock next to the door, and go out the EXIT.