Blow open the grating in the long hallway, and climb to the upper chamber. Watch your back as you gather goodies. Circle around and pull the box with the climbable surface. Drop down into the ticket booth area, and defend yourself. Look for another opening above a ticket booth. Since you moved the box up above, you can jump up above the ticket booth and climb to a small room. Take the Maintenance Room Key, and exit via the door. Follow the right-hand escalator and run and jump the pit. Plug the immortal and check the door. Try your key in the door, and push the button in the small room to turn on the lights. Look on the same side of the tracks as the Maintenance Room. With the lights on, you should find an Old Penny. Drop down onto the deep set of tracks: the ones you must jump to reach the previous area. Sprint and duck off to the right to avoid the oncoming train. Clean up in the red room, and climb the ladder. Backflip from the top to reach the nearby ledge. Monkey swing along the ceiling. Be sure to make that right turn, and drop down at the wall. Hang and drop into the drill room, jumping immediately to the left from the collapsible platform. Slide, jump and grab. Quickly shimmy to the right as the blade descends. Drop from the right half of the ledge. Drop down and jump from the slope, spinning in midair to another slope. Slide and grab the edge, then drop and grab down to the Secret. Hang and drop to the lower ledge. Now that's a Secret. In the upper chamber, climb to the dangerous ledges and side step right. Wait for the flames to die off, and hurry atop the block. Climb upward. A Switch along the way activates another nearby trap, and opens a trapdoor back in the red room. Climb to the chamber above the train platform. Pop the rats and collect the prizes. Drop down to the platform. Backtrack to the red room via the low set of tracks. Climb to the open trap door as you did before. In the upper room, drop the badguy and check the area. Drop down and pull the box to access a hallway. Follow the passage to a greenish corridor. The Switches on the wall control the timed doors in the upper chamber. You only need to press one at a time. The object is to raise the piece of ceiling that prevents you from swinging over to the platform in the room on the left. Pressing the left-hand button allows you to sprint to the middle and far right rooms. When you backtrack through the red room, monkey swing to the drill room. There's a second Solomon's Key in the hall up from the drill. On your way past the ticket booths, use the Old Penny at the dark window. A Ticket appears at your feet. Check down the second escalator. Blast open the grating near the mudslide, and drop inside to gather the stash. Run down the tracks to the right, and shoot the guard quickly when he appears near the doors. The Switch puzzle is maddening. There are four Switches in the area. In the room with two Switches, the right-hand one can be left alone entirely. Once you solve the button puzzle, you can enter the Mason's room. Notice that one of the curtains extends to the ground above a collapsible floor section. Run through the curtain and take the Ornate Star. Put both of Solomon's Keys in the Mason's Room locks, and be ready for dog trouble when you take the Masonic Mallet. Through the other door that opens in the Mason's Room, swim to the chamber. Run and jump to grab the crack in the wall, and shimmy right. Jump to the ceiling panel and drop to the crawlspace. Use the Ticket at the barrier, wary of rats and other vermin. Use the Ornate Star in front of the door past the row of barriers. Be ready to jump back and open fire. Follow the upper hallway and backtrack. Head down the escalator, and follow the path. Use the Masonic Mallet to open the locked door. Follow the hallway, ready for an ambush from the right. That's a backtrack route in a few moments, but not yet. Near the train, snuff the badguy and check the dark end of the cavern for even more good stuff. Backtrack to the crack in the floor, and climb into the train. Press the button, and exit with a new area accessible. Keep your finger off the trigger as you enter the dark hallway. You have to let the badguy up ahead live, at least temporarily. Follow the torch-bearer down the hallway. Be ready for an attack as you round the final corner: Two badguys rush at you. In the small room, press both Switches. You need to backtrack through the train, all the way to the red room. Yes, the red room. In the hallway where you gave chase, and also near the small room wit the buttons are two ramps. Those end the level. Use the overpass to head back to the low section of tracks. Up through the trapdoor in the red room, you'll see that door has opened.