To exit the seemingly dead-end hallway, run to the right through each successive gate. When you hear the double click, reverse direction to see an open passage. In the large central chamber, three different Ore Carts are poised for a run. Hit the lights in the control room and slay the subhuman. Even as they die, they spew poison. Climb atop the control room and drop down to shimmy along its back ledge. At the ladder, lower Lara until she hangs by her hands, then pull her up so that her heels hang off the bottom of the ladder. Jump, spin, and grab. The small chamber behind the control room holds the level's first Secret stash. The first Ore Cart you should ride is the one on the middle tier. You'll want to lean and brake only slightly on the first run. Try to conserve some momentum as you head into the turn, as a jump is forthcoming. Hit the track switch before the car comes to a stop and survey the scene. Duck below the drills and circle to the left out back after exploring the crack in the far left wall. A new manner of beast prowls this icy wilderness. Drop the mutant, then jump to the walkway below. Hang and drop to the lower ledge. Work the shimmies like switchbacks, moving all the way to one side before dropping down and reversing direction by grabbing a lower crack. Pull up at the extreme lower left when you notice the ledge. Be on guard as you traverse the tunnel. In the wide-open area, gather the Crowbar from the metallic ledge. Near the sub-human ambush, you can spy a small crawl space high on the wall. From the rocks to the right of the opening, jump to the cliff and shimmy along the ledge. Throw the Switch inside. To exit the area, you have to use the slopes, running and jumping up to a passage. Head up the hallway, ducking down below the obstacles. Dodge beneath the machines, and head up the slope. At the top of the run, a sub-human waits to breathe in your face. Get back on the Ore Cart and switch the cart away from the dead end as you head back to the terminal. Back at the terminal, use the Crowbar to pry open the door, and claim the Lead Acid Battery. If you return to the area of the first Secret, you'll see that another door has opened in the small area. Now it's time for your second cart trip. Take the lowest track and follow it to the left. You'll need some serious speed to get across the chasm. Be easy on the brake. Follow the hallway where the cart stops. You'll take a long route back to the ride. Rid the lower hallway of mutant beasts and continue in the corridor. Don't overlook the crawl space beneath the steamy walkway. Crawl through the low area and drop into trouble. Dispose of the freak and check the outside area. Specifically, look in the bottom of the pool. You have to be quick to dive down and get the Winch Starter from the pool below the crane. The water is deadly cold. Time for another wild ride: the upper Ore Cart calls. Where the upper Ore Cart comes to a halt, a submersible pod is held by a crane. Insert the battery in the side of the machine and use the Winch Starter nearer the controls. The submersible pod submerges. In the lowered position, you can swim down and into the pod, hopefully without taking too much damage. From the pod, you need to reach another safe zone before heading for the surface. The trip through the frigid water might have to be supplemented with Medi Packs. Swim down through the opening between the lights and hook to the right. Be prepared to have Lara's health adversely effected on the way up the tall tunnel, if not on the way down. Up top, chat with the flamethrower. Drop down to the ledge below the bridge. Don't get caught staring into the chasm as freaks sneak up behind you. In the chasm, jump back and forth from ledge to ledge. The final jump to the corner of the chasm ledge nets you the level's final Secret. Backtrack to below the bridge, and then jump up and grab. When you enter the small structure, the level ends.